Timothy Byker's Fundraiser

74th Anniversary of D-Day Commemoration with Epic Charity Challenge
Join me in raising money active, former and retired Navy SEAL's and the Navy SEAL Museum
June 6th, 1944: Operation Overlord commences on the beaches of Normandy, France. The largest seaborne invasion of 'Fortress Europe' has begun.
June 6th, 2018: I will be joining Epic Charity Challenges, former (and current) Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen in the 74th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion to raise funds for the Navy SEAL Museum's Trident House Charities Program for those warriors who have borne the burden of battle.
The opportunity I have accepted entails a 10 km (6.2 miles) swim into Omaha Beach, mounting the cliffs and presenting a wreath in commemoration of the anniversary. Immediately following this, we will march to Saint Lo 20 km (12.4 miles) with 45 pounds of Omaha Beach sand.
What is my draw to a challenge like this? I am the Grandson of the Greatest Generation. My Grandfather, John J. Byker, was a 19 year old Private First Class who was wounded in the fighting around Anzio, Italy in 1944. I grew up revering this man, seeing and holding the Purple Heart and Bronze Star, as well as inheriting the Combat Infantry Badge he wore on his uniform.
I was given the opportunity to serve in the USAF from 1988-1992 and the deployments, hard work and hard work forged the desire for teamwork and thriving in challenge. This compels me to honor and support those who have and still do, go before me.
I will be training by swimming, with minimal gear, in Saguro Lake, outside Gilbert, AZ throughout the Winter, rucking the local mountain trails with my 40+ pound weight vest and continuing auxiliary training to get and keep me ready for swimming and rucking long distances. This will be posted on my Facebook page those who care to follow this build-up to the Commemoration date.
Please join me in supporting this 501c3 organization.